Building Washboard Abs fast!

Look, trying to build abs online feels like stubbing your toe, it hurts.

Let’s keep this short and sweet. You’ve got abs to build.

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If you search online “how to build abs” you’ll see countless articles and videos telling you how some guy from Detroit got washboard abs in 2 days. Now, I’m exaggerating a bit but the point is, what those people do will never work for a normal human.

There are so many things that will affect how fast you will be able to grow abs. The problem is everyone’s body is different and grows muscle at different speeds. If your a man then you’ll need to do a different workout than a woman, and that’s just the simple truth. This is what most people won’t tell you.

If you want to gain muscle as fast as possible then you need a specialized plan. The problem is, most people can’t afford a personal trainer.

woman girl fat fitness
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If you have access to a personal trainer then you have already won 90% of the battle. A personal trainer is able to tell you exactly what you need to do to get great abs and  muscle fast.

If you’re like 99% of the rest of us you don’t have time to find an affordable personal trainer, it takes too long and there isn’t a grantee that the personal trainer will help you. So what do you do?

Chances are you’re doing pull ups, push ups, and sit ups. You know, the normal stuff. Most people think there’s some special sauce that’ll make you a body builder in a month. Well you might not get muscles like a body builder, but there is certainly a way to get chiseled abs in a third of the time it normally takes.

And no I’m not talking about steroids, so get your head out of the gutter.

man lying on rubber mat near barbell inside the gym
Photo by Victor Freitas on

I’m not even talking about a personal trainer.

It’s much easier than you think. Sometimes the best answer is the simplest. Go back to the list from before, yes, pull ups, sit ups, and push up. This is simply the best way to grow muscle. But WAIT before you close the tab and shut your laptop in anger by the crap just I fed you listen.

We’ve all done push ups and the results are sub-pair and take a long time, so why suggest them? Well if you combined push ups, sit ups, and pull ups with this awesome technique then the results will shock you.

Do you know Bruce Lee? Yes that Bruce Lee, well he used this technique to grow his muscles fast. And you can too.

This technique combined with normal push ups, and sit ups will give you insane results fast.

Have you ever heard of electric stimulation? Probably not, it means you stimulate your

man leaning on black punching bag
Photo by nappy on

muscles breaking down muscle fibers incredibly fast. That makes your workout process  fast. Think about it, if you did 100 push ups with electric stimulation it would be like doing 500 push ups without electrical stimulation.

When I discovered this, it was like a light bulb went off. Using electrical stimulation is literally working smarter rather than harder. I was busting my butt doing five times as much as I needed to.

Now using electrical stimulation won’t get you cut abs on it’s own, you’ll still need to put in work, however the results you get will be night and day.

Back in Bruce Lee’s time only the rich could get there hands on electrical stimulation, however today there are only a few ways you can get your hands on an electrical stimulation device.

This is hands down the best way to get washboard abs on your own in half the time.

For only the next few days click the link and you can get the electrical ab pad for 20% off product-image-688693679_largewith the code electricabs only for the people who’s red this article. The pads stick to your abs and increase the intensity of your workout no matter how small by sending electricity directly into your muscles.

This discount is only for the people prepared to change there health and are serious about getting great abs fast.


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